Hold down on the Directional pad (D-pad) on your Xbox One controller, the down button on your PlayStation 4 controller, or the END key on the keyboard.If your screen shakes during the Mountain Trek level, restart at the checkpoint: The screen shakes on the Mountain Trek level. If Unravel isn't performing the way it should when you're playing offline, reboot your console or PC. Poor performance when you are playing offline. If Yarny cannot progress because there are no waves in the sea, restart the level from the pause menu. There are no waves in the sea and I cannot progress. If that does not work, restart the level from the pause menu. Hold down on the Directional pad (D-pad) on your Xbox One controller, the down button on your PlayStation 4 controller, or the END key on your keyboard.Ģ. If Yarny is stuck in an object or falls through the world, use these steps:ġ.
Yarny is stuck in or on objects or falling through the world. If this does not work, uninstall the K-Lite Codec pack.
If your game crashes when you start or crashes when you select a new game, you need to update the K-Lite Codec pack. Review our minimum requirements article to make sure your system meets the requirements.
If your game crashes when Yarny encounters a memory, you need to update your drivers. When you choose "Restart Level" or "Quit", you will not receive a second message asking "Are you sure you want to Restart Level?" or "Are you sure you want to quit?" Make sure you want to restart your level or quit the game whenever you choose these options.
My level restarted and did not save my progress.